UK Health Radio
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Real 'feel good' radio!
UK Health Radio, is an Internet radio station 100% independent and the first of its kind! As our name suggests, we are UK-based and we focus primarily on health. Because this is an Internet-based medium, our reach is global. So it will not surprise you to hear that our programming is not just national, but international in style. Our commitment is to world-class excellence. UK Health Radio is a good-information station. It aspires to be real feel-good radio, extending beyond just physical health and embracing all aspects of body, mind and spirit, in an honest open-minded manner.
Our mission is to create a global community of better informed people and to provide the professionals who serve them with a new forum for evidence-based ideas on best practice. Our shows and website are designed to provide a primary source of the latest ideas in health and fitness, diet and nutrition, illness prevention and cure. It also provides the professional with a platform on which either to promote or to challenge new ideas. (There is nothing like healthy debate in order to stimulate progress!)